Thursday, September 15, 2011

What Is Peritoneal Mesothelioma And What We Can Do About It?

Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a terrible disease that damages the sensitive cells as a whole, make up the inner lining of the abdominal cavity. As we all know, the abdominal cavity is a very important part of the body organs. It is very important because it protects some of the more tender organs of the body, such as the lungs are a pair.

In general, the inner wall of the abdominal cavity is composed of two membranes, and that the visceral and parietal membranes. So this would happen to a person inhales asbestos in any way, micro-organisms will enter the body and can easily end up affecting the cells of the inner wall of the abdominal cavity. As a result, inhalation, and over time, the abdominal cavity and finishes oštećenja.Dijagnoza peritoneal mesothelioma has actually arrived at as follows.

Once the asbestos is inhaled into the body, it will cause the structure of cells that are embedded in the visceral and parietal layer to begin to change over time. First of all, cells divide and as a result of this division, they end up zadebljanja.Eventualne thickening of the cell can make a score of layers to become tumors, and this will cause the organs that are protected by the abdominal cavity to slowly breakdown the day. As a further result occurs, the liver can be damaged over time.

, however, in this day and age, doctors are not usually able to provide early detection. This is because CT is performed, unfortunately, can not simply show the damage to the abdominal cavity in early stage disease. Although the disease may be at a later stage, occur in a small group of tumors, or even a tumor. As a result of the tumor to keep increasing in size over time, they can then be detected through CT scans and diagnose disease and thankfully, and then appropriate treatment can begin and the chances of recovery we hope, increase.


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